
Amorphous alloy distribution transformer

Transformer can change the electrical net voltage into the vottage system or loadneeded. which realize electri-cal energ, stransitand allot. This kind of transformer-can take replace of silicon steel iron-core trans-fonner and widely used in the outdoor distributionsystem. Large quatity of this product put into usemay save theenergy and reduce air-pollution. Wnich is extremely suit for the area lack ofelectrical energy.big load fluctuate. difficult to maintenance. As the transformer adopt ominiseal structlJre it can bein motion in heavy humidity and best for the city and rural distribution network.
  • Executive Standard
  • Structure Characteristic
  • Conditions of use
  • Type and Signification
  • Technical Paraweters
Executive Standard
· GB 1094.1-2-2013 Power transformer
· GB 1094.3-2003.GB/T1094.4-2005.GB 1094.5-2008 Power transformer
· GB311.1-1997 High voltage power transmission and transformation equipment insulation coordination
· JB/T10318-2002 Amorphous alloy iron core oil-immersed distribution transformer technical parameters and requirements
· Q/SIHG1-1999 SBH15-M Amorphous alloy iron core is sealed three-phase oil-immersed distribution transformer
· The international standard IEC76

Structure Characteristic
1. The transformer core with amorphous alloy strip coiling. no-load loss is about 75% lower than the integrated type transformer.
2. Low pressure with copper foil coil, improve the ability of the transformer under short circuit.
3. The transformer using Dyn11 connection group, reduce the influence of the harmonic of power grid, and improve the quality of power supply.
4. Use vacuum oil, can be completely ruled out an air bubble in a coil, ensure insulation performance is stable.

Conditions of use
1. the height is not more than 1000 meters above sea levetl.
2. the surrounding medium temperature is not higher than + 40 C, the highest monthly average temperature 30 C + + 20 ℃, annual average temperature lowest temperature: 25 ℃.
3. indoor or outdoor
4.according to the requirements of users can provide the transformer running under special conditions of use.

Type and Signification
Technical Paraweters

1. Table weight and size data for reference only, are subject to change without notice
2. Transformer technology parameters related to larger capacity, size and weight data, please contact us

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